24 Jan - 23 Dec 2022
24 Jan - 23 Dec 2022

Tour of Birdoswald Fort and Gilsland through the ages.

Village Hall, Gilsland

17 Mar 2022, 10:45 am - 3:00 pm

17th March, 16th April, 15th August, 21st September, 31st October, 17th December

DELIVERED BY: Hadrian’s Holiday Tours – Funding Partner Gilsland Village Hall 

A historic guided tour starting at Birdoswald Fort. Catherine Jarvis will talk about the history of the Fort from Pre-Roman times and beyond. The walk continues along the best preserved Roman mile of Hadrian’s Wall up into Gilsland Village itself. Visiting the remains of a Roman Milecastle, a Roman Bridge, a Roman centurial stone, Roman Turrets, Roman inscriptions and much more! 

Included is a visit to Meg’s cafe in Gilsland, home of the infamous Meg Teasdale of Mump’s Hall, where Catherine will talk about Sir Walter Scott, his novels and Rebellious Reivers.

At Gilsland, Catherine will be talking about its vibrant Victorian/Edwardian tourist history; the arrival of the Newcastle-Carlisle railway and more.  

The history of the village hall will be discussed and includes a walk around the fabulous Roman Milecastle 48 of Poltross known locally as the King’s Stables. The tour finishes at Gilsland Village Hall, where further refreshments are on offer. 

Funding Partner: Gilsland Village Hall 

With thanks to English Heritage and Meg’s Cafe in Gilsland for their kind help

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